Our Curriculum Philosophy
At Holmwood House our curriculum philosophy is underpinned by the premise that learning which blends excitement and challenge is integral to developing intrinsically motivated, confident and engaged children who have a growing curiosity and understanding of the world around them. Our intention is to equip our pupils to be resilient, effective communicators who ask questions about their learning, who are collaborative and reflective and who think critically for themselves and solve problems. Our curriculum provides opportunities for ownership, creativity and leadership with the purpose of building essential, transferable core skills through challenging and immersive learning.
Our Approach
In Years 4, 5 and 6, running through and at the heart of this learning, is the further building of essential English skills. We achieve this through literature rich lessons, linked to our curriculum areas of study with opportunities for writing in context and centred around high quality texts. We carefully interweave this with a Global Studies, PSHCE, Art and Technology approach to our curriculum, bringing as much of the learning back to meaningful and relevant experiences that our pupils can relate to in their own lives, whilst consolidating their understanding of what it is to be a global citizen and refining the important skills and knowledge for each individual subject. In line with this we aim to develop their spiritual awareness creating opportunities for awe and wonder that extend widely. This will consolidate their understanding of what it is to be a scientist, geographer, historian, artist and designer. All with a view to prepare them for their journey through to KS3.
Maths is still taught discretely, although connected where appropriate so that children can see the value of their learning and the exciting opportunities that maths in real life contexts can provide. All of our topics begins with a ‘Learning Launch’ which could be a debate, question, trip or visiting speaker. We aim to finish each learning focus with a ‘Learning Review’ where we analyse, evaluate and reflect.