
Jeremy Lucas

Posted: 22nd September 2024

Jeremy Lucas – Headmaster of Holmwood House School
from 1968 to 1988.

It was with great sadness that we heard about the death of Jeremy Lucas over the summer, who was Headmaster of Holmwood House from 1968 to 1988.

Born 18 August 1944, Jeremy started his association with Holmwood as an eight year old pupil in 1952, joining around 87 other boys at the time, as a boarder . By the time he left the school as a 13 year old in 1957, the school boasted more than 100 boys. In his final year as a pupil at the school, the three storey extension to the back of the main house had been added as well as the bungalow which now houses the Reception classes. From Holmwood, Jeremy headed off to Eton, spending a gap year back at Holmwood in 1962 before entering Trinity College, Dublin in 1963 to take up a four year degree and diploma in education. In 1968, the then Headmaster, Stuart Duggan (son of the original joint Heads, Mrs and Mr Ernest and Frances Duggan) invited Jeremy to become joint Headmaster alongside him, at the tender age of 24. In the following year, Jeremy was Best Man at the marriage of Stuart Duggan to his new wife, Elizabeth.

For the next 20 years his infectious enthusiasm and ability to work incredibly long hours contributed to making Holmwood a very special school. Academic standards were important, but Jeremy also championed the extracurricular activities of Drama, Music, Art and all the sports. Under his guidance Holmwood House gained a national reputation for Drama and was considered one of the best Squash playing schools in the country and in 1971 he created Lexden Squash and Rackets Club. Jeremy’s role in the development of the school was key. He incredibly managed to persuade a group of parents to dig out an outdoor swimming pool, later covered and still in use today! These years also saw the compulsory purchase of some of Holmwood’s land for the construction of the A12, draining of the Colts playing field, conversion of the cellars into ‘hobby rooms’. 1972 saw the completion of the Jubilee Hall to celebrate the school’s 50th birthday and Jeremy’s attention to detail was key to ensuring the finer innovative design details, for example, every fifth brick along the top course was wooden to enable scenery and other displays to be erected and hung.

In 1975, Jeremy undertook a research trip to the USA and returned with a masterplan for the school known as the ‘Dreamaster’ idea; a concept which materialised in the wonderfully innovative library that the school still enjoys today. In the following year, the Talbot Room was erected adjoining the Jubilee Hall. Remarkably, this building had previously been Wormingford Village Hall! Jeremy purchased Holm Lodge in 1981 along with outbuildings which later became the music school. In the same year, Jeremy led a group of Holmwood actors to the Edinburgh Fringe with a performance of ‘Princes’.

He also found time outside the school to be a committee member at IAPS, Essex County Cricket and the Mercury Theatre among the many causes he supported. He retired from headship to pursue a career in politics, standing twice for the Conservative Party in General Elections and becoming a portfolio member of Essex County Council. His greatest joy however was his marriage to Pauline and his three stepchildren. He was immensely proud of all of them and his grandchildren.

Edward Bond, current Head of Holmwood House said, “Jeremy provided some excellent ideas and good counsel in the times when we spoke, and he clearly had a huge impact on the school.”

Jeremy’s legacy is ever-present around the school. His interest in and love for the school never faded over the years and he remained a staunch advocate of Holmwood. He was a great supporter of its development and progress. He was thrilled to see the school in recent years through the lens of a grandparent. Jeremy Lucas oversaw an amazing period of growth in Holmwood’s history and he represented a bridge from the early Duggan period to the modern era.

*We are grateful to two previous Holmwood House Headmasters, Stuart Thackrah and Alexander Mitchell, for their help in compiling this obituary and sharing their memories of Jeremy Lucas.

Categories: News Category 1


Holmwood House Nursery

151 Coach Road, Great Horkesley,
Essex CO6 4DX
T: (01206) 273 827


Holmwood House School

Chitts Hill, Lexden,
Essex CO3 9ST
T: (01206) 574305