
Preschool and Nursery News – 28 June 2024

Posted: 28th June 2024

Preschool 3
WOW!! It is hard to believe that we are at the end of term already! What a year Preschool 3 have had. The children have particularly loved their last 2 weeks, and have participated in a very exciting topic entitled “Poppin into Summer” where they countdown the days until the end of term. Each day they have popped a balloon to find out what exciting new activity is planned for the day! The children’s favourite activities have definitely been: splatter painting, their farm trip, visiting the Pre-Prep garden and den making!

The Preschool 3 children have done incredibly well transitioning into their new classes and getting to know the wonderful Reception teachers. They are ready for their new adventure into Reception and all the staff from Preschool 3 wish the children the very best! Have an amazing Summer holiday!

Preschool 2
Encouraged by the much warmer weather we have been having, Preschool 2 have enjoyed their summer theme with garden games including water play where they fill and empty containers, make bubbles and spray each other for a cool down. Making sandcastles has also been very popular. The children who took part in sports day and did brilliantly last week, they listened to instructions well and we were so proud of them for all the effort they put in to their races.

Poppies have been talking a lot about relationships and people that are important to us, expanding the children’s understanding about how we are all different and come from different types of families. The children then drew some lovely pictures of themselves with people that are important to them, some chose friends whilst others drew a lovely picture of them with a parent or sibling. They have also looked at what makes us all special and how we are all different, including looking at Pride Month. They have shown off their artistic skills by painting their very own rainbows and creating their own emojis, considering the different facial features they could use to add to their emojis and they made some fantastic creations.

Bluebells have been making the most of the beautiful weather by being outside as much as possible and have loved using a variety of water play activities to keep cool. They have had bubbles in the water, created an ocean, glittery water, and they have all loved using the water feature to create waterfalls. They have had so much fun using their feet in our large tuff trays full of water and splashing about. This week has been sensory week and using a variety of materials that can be explored using their hands, feet and noses to smell lots of different scents. Bluebells have enjoyed a disco with Wendy this week with party music and lots of fun dancing. They even had a game of musical chairs which was lots of fun and gave Bluebells lots of giggles. Bluebells have been showing a keen interest in numbers, and they have been using the multi links to create patterns and looking at differences when more are added or taken away. They have loved creating rainbows and have loved making friendship handprints. There have been a few birthdays in Bluebells recently which they have all loved celebrating and hope that lots of fun was had with continued celebrations outside Nursery. Over the coming two weeks there will be lots of arts and crafts to send home as well as decorating the Bluebell’s garden. We hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine.

Babies have been planting vegetable seeds and learning about looking after them by watering when needed. They have been investigating sand, scooping, filling, pouring and emptying. They added water, changing the consistency which enabled them to make sand castles and mould the sand in their hands. They celebrated international picnic day by having snacks in the garden.


Categories: News Category 1


Holmwood House Nursery

151 Coach Road, Great Horkesley,
Essex CO6 4DX
T: (01206) 273 827


Holmwood House School

Chitts Hill, Lexden,
Essex CO3 9ST
T: (01206) 574305