
Preschool and Nursery News

Posted: 24th November 2023

Preschool 3
It has been a busy week in Preschool 3, the children have been learning about Diwali, the Festival of Light and how it is celebrated. They have been very creative painting lots of colourful pictures using different resources to create patterns using turmeric and bicarbonate of soda! The children also made henna tattoos using glue and glitter where we developed our motor skills to hold the glue stick firmly and control it to create the henna patterns on their hand template. They have also had great fun in their music and movement lessons practising their Christmas song for the play next week and can’t wait to perform it to their families.

Preschool 2
Last week was Children in Need week and what a great week Preschool 2 had. The children loved all the dressing up days. Thank you to everyone who participated and donated money. There is still time to donate if you wish. This week the children have been learning about “People Who Help Us” and have taken part in lots of activities around the theme, these have been led by the children’s interest in our large ambulance and police car that makes wonderful sounds and the children described the colours and sounds really well. They are making great improvements with scissors all the time and finding lots of ways to use them in activities.

Poppies have had a busy couple of weeks, they had a fabulous week raising money for Children in Need and participated in lots of activities such as crazy hair day and baking cakes for our cake sale. They also celebrated nursery rhyme week with different nursery rhyme inspired activities including ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ painting and creating ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ using Pom Poms and tweezers. They have also been making some wonderful autumn wreaths with our friends, collaborating brilliantly together and creating friendship cards.

Bluebells have enjoyed a variety of engaging and fun activities for Children in Need. The children produced some fantastic pictures for our colouring competition, we have loved seeing how creative you’ve all been! They have also made collage pictures experimenting with different textures and colours for Pudsey Bear! There has been a lot of yellow in Bluebells this week and it has been wonderful to see all the children’s favourite costumes and spots! Thank you to everyone who made purchases from our bake sale. The children loved baking the cakes and thank you to so many of you who brought in your donations. We have been learning about matching, painting, opposites and prepositions. They have been developing their hand-eye coordination and pen control to match adult animals to their babies. It was amazing to see how focused the children were during this activity and how they learnt the names of some baby animals. They really enjoyed this and we will be extending this activity to further support their fine motor skills. Outside they have been busy making an addition to part of their garden area by adding some stones, natural equipment and some slate to create a digging area with the construction vehicles. If there is anything that you would like to donate to this, please feel free to speak to Bluebells staff. The children have loved being in this area being builders and using their imaginations to create a safe work site.

This week the Babies have enjoyed the sensory experience of playing in the autumn leaves, they have enjoyed throwing them up into the air and laying down making a leaf angel. The Babies have had fun with some sensory activities and have particularly enjoyed exploring the gloop and using spoons to scoop it up. They have also been fascinated by our light box and have enjoyed exploring it at quiet time.

Categories: News Category 1


Holmwood House Nursery

151 Coach Road, Great Horkesley,
Essex CO6 4DX
T: (01206) 273 827


Holmwood House School

Chitts Hill, Lexden,
Essex CO3 9ST
T: (01206) 574305