
Nursery News

Posted: 16th June 2023

Children playing and having fun

It’s been a busy week at Nursery and we have all been trying to stay as cool as possible! Poppies have been getting to know lots of different animals during ‘Pet Week’ with exciting animal encounters and caterpillar transformations. The children had a wonderful time meeting dogs, tortoises, and chicks, and even had a vet visit to learn about pet care. Babies and Bluebells have enjoyed outdoor activities and playing in the secret garden, including planting flowers and enjoying the new climbing frame. Engaging in World Ocean Day activities and witnessing butterflies emerge added to the memorable experiences.

The children in Poppies have been busy getting to know lots of different pets during ‘pet week’, we were lucky to have a range of dogs, tortoises and chicks come to visit us. We also had a visit from a vet who talked to the children about what our pets need to live healthy happy lives. We have also been observing live caterpillars over the last couple of weeks, until they finally became butterflies, the children then enjoyed releasing them and watching them fly away into the sunshine. We have enjoyed spending lots of time out in the sunshine, the children enjoyed planting and watering flowers and we are looking forward to watching them grow over the coming months.

What lovely weather we have all been having! The children in Bluebells have absolutely loved being outside making the most of it all. They are all loving the new climbing frame which we would like to thank our friends of Holmwood House for. It has allowed the children to continue to challenge themselves and explore safe risks as well as develop more on their physical abilities. We have enjoyed doing activities around world ocean day, including water play with items to fish out with the nets. This was a popular activity among our Bluebells children where they cleaned out the ocean as we spoke about keeping the animals safe. We have been enjoying lots of crafts, enjoying the secret garden, lots of water play, and even seen our beautiful butterflies coming out of their chrysalis! We are looking forward to releasing them into our garden soon. Have a lovely couple of weeks in the sunshine. Keep hydrated and keep up with the sun cream.

Babies have spent a lot of time outside exploring our physical skills in the secret garden and doing lots of fun arts and crafts activities, but our favourite has definitely been foot painting.

Categories: News Category 1


Holmwood House Nursery

151 Coach Road, Great Horkesley,
Essex CO6 4DX
T: (01206) 273 827


Holmwood House School

Chitts Hill, Lexden,
Essex CO3 9ST
T: (01206) 574305