
From the Headmaster….

Posted: 8th November 2019

Dear Parents
Happy 98th Birthday!  A very special day each year for the school, today has been no exception. The shenanigans got underway around lunchtime and the children have enjoyed the games, quizzes and singing that Holmwood children have been enjoying for decades; a real tradition!
The Year 4s had, earlier in the day, paraded their special lanterns which they have been making in art; another decades-old tradition.  The whole school sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Holmwood and the three Heads of Elements cut the wonderful cake; another astonishing creation by Ilya Makri (Sophia H’s mum). The guys were judged and then hoisted onto the enormous bonfire ready for burning later. To top the day off, the Friends of Holmwood House took over proceedings with an amazing fireworks display and more games, entertainment and refreshments afterwards in the Jubilee Hall.  We are grateful to everyone involved in making this such a super day. 
We welcomed Mr Christopher Sanderson, Bellevue’s Safeguarding Governor, to Holmwood on Tuesday for our annual safeguarding audit. Chris inspects our safeguarding policy, provision and practice with a fine tooth comb and feeds back with any suggestions for improvements.  He met with children and staff, and spent time with the DSL, Mrs Bradbury, and DDSLs (Designated Safeguarding Leads and Deputies) from the school and nursery. The children’s involvement was great and they gave Chris a very clear message that they felt safe and would know who to go to if they were worried about anything. 
We had a very good turnout on Tuesday for our most recent Parent Workshop, Looking Ahead to Senior Schools.  I am always happy to spend time with parents discussing future school options and if you would like to meet with me to discuss your child, please do not hesitate to contact Abigail to make an appointment. 
We look forward to seeing Year 6 parents next Tuesday at their parent consultation evening in the library from 6.30 to 8.30pm. 

With best wishes

Alexander Mitchell 

Categories: Headmaster's Blog


Holmwood House Nursery

151 Coach Road, Great Horkesley,
Essex CO6 4DX
T: (01206) 273 827


Holmwood House School

Chitts Hill, Lexden,
Essex CO3 9ST
T: (01206) 574305